Jan 28-Feb 13: Simeon's birthday, Dave Maclagan's farewell drinkies, House-test party, SCA/Puriri St misc

Simeon's birthday, the Labyrinth, 28 January 2000

Clustering around the Icebreaker keg: ?Chris?, Stars, Andrew, Fluffy
Long time, no see: ?, Sara
A boy and his toy: Simeon
Wasted units in the kitchen: ?, Boone?, Yvette
Been a while since we last saw these guys too: Jillian, Andi, Simeon
Lurking in the darkness... Evan, Jenny, Beast, Rebecca, ?
Dance floor: ?, ?, ?, Fridge, Lisa, Beast, Rebecca, Angie, Dave
Dancers in black: Fluffy, Simeon, Dave, Ashes, Hooch?, ?

Dave Maclagan's farewell drinkies, Puriri Street, 11 February 2000

Ulf, Belle, Robyn, Ros, Dave, ? in foreground.
Jennifer, Steve, Leonie
?, Evan, Simeon, Dave, Ros, ? (foreground), LX, Diana, Ulf
Robyn, Alaric, Del
Clockwise from bottom left: Dave, Ulf, Jennifer, Simeon?, Duncan, Alaric, Dillon, Vernon, ?

House-test party, Gladson Avenue, 12 February 2000

Early arrivals: Jenny, Trond, Belle
Getting busier: Charlotte, ?, ?, John, Dillon, Amy?, Del, Daniel
Inter-peer-sonal relations... Alaric, Belle, Schmoo
What bear? Where? ?, LX, Simeon, ?
Personal services: Alaric, John, Diana, ?
The hallway: Fridge (obscured), ?, Kirk, Meredith, ?, ?, Todd
Fire! Robert
Outside: Glenn, Sarah, Seth, ?John?, ?Kara?, [unidentifiable people], Traci, Mike, ?, ?
Can this be love? Duncan and Dan. Vanessa, Aaron, Kirk, Fridge in background
?Lubie?, ?, Michelle, Olly
Greetings! Vanessa, ?, ?, Theresa, Sophie, Aaron, Dillon, Duncan
?, Kirk, Rebecca, Paul, Fridge, ?, Fluffy
The puppet mistress: Trond, Vanessa, John

SCA practices and barbecues, Puriri Street and elsewhere

Misc people, 30 Jan: Steven, Theodora, Rowena, Bastian, Ulf
More of them: Alys (obscured), Beatrice, Ayesha, Alexander, Iarnulf, Rowena, Feran, Ulf
Misc people, 13 Feb: Miles (obscured), ? (behind LX), LX, Alys, ?, Michelle, Rowena, Iarnulf, Ulf, Vincent (obscured), Alvarro, Alaric, Leonie, Deordannan, Masa
Fighters' practice, 11 Feb: Alaric, Sigurd and Vincent
Iarnulf's archery stuff, Feb 13. Clockwise from lower left: Etienne, ? (obscured), Alaric, Ethelind, Iarnulf, Alvarro, Steven, Vincent
What is he playing with? Alaric and Richard

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