Feb 24-March 1: SPIS sailing, John Seaton's 21st, SCA archery and first meeting

SPIS sailing, Lyttelton, February 24?, 2000

Alchemy. Seth is climbing on board.
Figuring out a course. Clockwise from bottom left: Vix, Steve, Geoff, Seth, Daniel
Heading down Lyttelton harbour after leaving the marina. Sails not up yet.
Intrepid crew: Seth, Geoff (obscured), Vix, Steve
Time for a cuppa: Daniel, Seth
Deserted shores
Jellyfish are hard to photograph...it's the small white blob beside the weed
Getting near the heads

And then I got seasick and stopped taking photos...

John Seaton's 21st, Epsom Road, February 26, 2000

Johanna and Zane
Putting on the glitter. Jenny, Heather, John, Diana
A mysterious stranger. Or is it Simeon?
Relaxation: Mel, Jenny, Vanessa
Quiet room: Tony, ?, Keenie, Anthony, Nick, Michelle, Lubie?, Duncan
Kitchen: Johanna, Meredith, Darcy, ?, Robyn, Aaron
The crowd gathers... Seated: Dennis, John, Chris, Cody, Traci, Aaron (background), Michael, Paul?, Jenny, ? (obscured)
Standing: ?, ?, Nick, ?, ?Trond? (obscured), Meredith, Tony, Heather, ?, Karen, Sophie, ?
Laid-back dictator
A virgin sacrifice. And who better to do the job... ?, Joe, Chris, Vanessa, ?, Meredith, Mel
Old guard: Brent and Jenny
Yes, he seems to have been sacrificed...
Birthday boy
Dancers: Johanna, Robyn, Paul, Darcy
Gotcha! Vanessa caught on camera.
Secrets revealed from above... Simeon, ?, Anthony, Leon, Keenie, Gold, Duncan, Sophie, Lubie

SCA archery and first meeting, Kirkwood Intermediate and UCSA LCR, February 27 and March 1, 2000

How does he fight like that? Rat menaced by Wulf's sword.
The tables are turned...
New fighter: Feran
Watching the Rowany video. Standing: Linnet and Richard
Seated (by rows): ?, Einar, ?, Andre, ?, ?, Ulf, Alys, ?, ?, Aaron, ?, ?, ?
Incoming archers? Einar (obscured), Richard, ? (background), Alys, Andre, Ulf (background), James?, Ilar
?, Andre, ?, Alys, Emma, Alexander (obscured), Cassandra, Ayeshah
Hais and sauces to sample

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