March 3-5: KAOS 2000 first meeting and first party, SCA archery

First meeting and first party, LCR and Bordello, March 3 2000

KAOS denizens (mostly) at Wine Club: ?, Aaron, Tony Dale (cellarmaster), John, Picasso, Marybeth, ?, Andrew, Dan, Pip
Politburo: Trond, John, Nick, Alex, Troy, Morbid, Ashes
Crowd 1 (big)
Crowd 2 (big)
Schmoo tries on his hat ...
Schmoo samples his hat ...
Schmoo thanks the cook: Schmoo, Beast, Tracy (and Rebecca's elbow)
The false dictator! Vanessa, Trond, Garth, Fridge
Girls like guns too... Jess and Hadley
Mmm, chocolate. Fluffy and a victim. Beast in background
The anti-politbureau: ?Morbid?, Fridge, ?, Alex, Leon, Vanessa, Garth, Angie, Jess
Newcomers: ?, Charlene, ?, James
View from the stairs: ?, John, Fluffy? (obscured), Daniel (foreground), ?, Caleb, ?
Middle guard: Karen the Hat and Pete the Ditch
This man will fit in...
The brothers Burke
More newcomers
Dancefloor: Meredith, Darcy, ?Dennis?, Angie, ?, ?, Picasso?, Sophie? (foreground), Chris, ?Alex?, ?, Andrew (hair only), Cameron, ?, Adam, Fluffy, Hooch, ?, Julie?
More dancefloor: ?, Alex, Darcy, Colin?, Jess?, Chris, Angie, Andrew, ?, ?, Nick
So that's what she looks like: Karl, Pip, Dan, ?Evan? (obscured)
He's baaack... ?, Belle, Dillon, Shane, ?, Darcy
Still more newcomers: Chris, ?, Erin, ?, ?
Balcony lurkers
The welcoming committee: ?, ?, ?, Tria, Chris?, Garth, Trond, Becs?, Gold, ?, ? (foreground), Keenie, Jess, ?, Gary, Dillon's brother

SCA Sunday, March 3 2000

A prodigal returns: Philippe, ?
BBQ guests: Rowena?, ?, Cassandra, Debra, Michelet, Feran, Isabella, Alys, Ulf, Philippe, ?

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