July 8-16: Cat and Lisa's birthdays and Traci's flatwarming, whiskey drinkies, World War II party, Black Company dinner, SPIS office warming

Cat and Lisa's birthdays and Traci's flatwarming, Curletts Road, July 8, 2000

Bedroom lurkers: Traci, Lisa, John?, Cat, wossname
Mattson returns
Doorway crowd: Darcy, Sophie, Caitlin (background), ?, Stuart, Cat
Evan and Teri
But why are they laughing? Beast and Simeon
Somebody's sister...
Cat and Ashes
Birthday girl
Dancers: ?, Emily, Adam, Anthony, ?Morbid?, Nick?, ?, ?
Mel and Caitlin
Backyard: Garth, ?, Hadlee, Alex, Duncan
Spiky Josh!
More backyard lurkers: ?, Troy?, Garth, Jess, Colin, Damon, Hadlee
Black threesome: Adam, Yvette, Johnny
Traci's family snap
Alex plots something unspeakable with someone unidentifiable. Hadlee and Lisa in background.
Corridor chat: ?, Damon, Yvette, ?, ?, ?Nick?

Whiskey Drinkies, Kahu Road, July 14, 2000

Early arrivals: Schmoo, Belle, Matt, Peter
Belle, Ulf, Blue Meanie
Hallway lurkers: Nicola, Schmoo, Morbid, Jennifer
TV room: Fitz, Morbid, Belle
More guests: Danny, Rebacca, Sharon, Duncan

World War II Party, Sarabande Ave, July 15, 2000

Gernan officer
Resistance: Andrew, Steve (background), Picasso, Keenie, Cameron
Aviator: Dennis, Andrew
Concentration camp inmate: Fluffy
...and one who escaped over the border: Del
The war is suspended for a dance: Fridge, ?, Fluffy, Simeon, Andrew, ?, ?, ?
Down in flames
The British conservatory: ?, Jenny, Keenie, Fluffy, Fridge, Simeon, ?, ?, ?
Blockaded doorway: Ashes, Tony, Trond, Fluffy, Kirk, Cat
And another one: Dave?, Robyn, Cutter, Varnia?
Heather, Jenny, ?
Relic from another war: Danny and Zane
Refugees in Switzerland: ?Josh?, ?, ?Nick?, Seth, Danny, Simeon, Beast
Exhausted refugee? Heather
A prisoner is brutally interrogated: ?, Charlene, Ashes, Dennis, Cat
Dancers: Dave, ? (obscured), Fridge, ? (background), Andrew, ?, Adam, Simeon, Michael, Keenie, ?, ?Andrew?, ?Picasso?

Black Company Dinner, Puriri Street, July 16, 2000

Emma and Alexander

SPIS office warming, Waterman Place, July 17, 2000

Old staff, new staff: Seth, Eamon, ?
Old-guard KAOS member: Andrew Vallance (JL's brother) and Duncan
One boss: ?, Peter
Other boss: Vicki (founder of KAOS), Seth, Steve, Jennifer, Duncan, Annette, Fitz, Bastian

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