| Bedroom lurkers: Traci, Lisa, John?, Cat, wossname
| Mattson returns
| Doorway crowd: Darcy, Sophie, Caitlin (background), ?, Stuart, Cat
| Evan and Teri
| But why are they laughing? Beast and Simeon
| Somebody's sister...
| Cat and Ashes
| Birthday girl
| Dancers: ?, Emily, Adam, Anthony, ?Morbid?, Nick?, ?, ?
| Mel and Caitlin
| Backyard: Garth, ?, Hadlee, Alex, Duncan
| Spiky Josh!
| More backyard lurkers: ?, Troy?, Garth, Jess, Colin, Damon, Hadlee
| Black threesome: Adam, Yvette, Johnny
| Traci's family snap
| Alex plots something unspeakable with someone unidentifiable. Hadlee and Lisa in background.
| Corridor chat: ?, Damon, Yvette, ?, ?, ?Nick?
| Early arrivals: Schmoo, Belle, Matt, Peter
| Belle, Ulf, Blue Meanie
| Hallway lurkers: Nicola, Schmoo, Morbid, Jennifer
| TV room: Fitz, Morbid, Belle
| More guests: Danny, Rebacca, Sharon, Duncan
| Gernan officer
| Resistance: Andrew, Steve (background), Picasso, Keenie, Cameron
| Aviator: Dennis, Andrew
| Concentration camp inmate: Fluffy
| ...and one who escaped over the border: Del
| The war is suspended for a dance: Fridge, ?, Fluffy, Simeon, Andrew, ?, ?, ?
| Down in flames
| The British conservatory: ?, Jenny, Keenie, Fluffy, Fridge, Simeon, ?, ?, ?
| Blockaded doorway: Ashes, Tony, Trond, Fluffy, Kirk, Cat
| And another one: Dave?, Robyn, Cutter, Varnia?
| Heather, Jenny, ?
| Relic from another war: Danny and Zane
| Theresa
| Refugees in Switzerland: ?Josh?, ?, ?Nick?, Seth, Danny, Simeon, Beast
| Exhausted refugee? Heather
| A prisoner is brutally interrogated: ?, Charlene, Ashes, Dennis, Cat
| Dancers: Dave, ? (obscured), Fridge, ? (background), Andrew, ?, Adam, Simeon, Michael, Keenie, ?, ?Andrew?, ?Picasso?