| Lunch break in the hall: Foreground circle, clockwise from left: Einar, Geoffrey, Myfawnwy, Niamh, Brent, Aliena, Iuliana's father. Background: Ilar, Heloise, Eleonora, Alexandra, Gwyhnevar
| Handcrafts: Niamh and Sigurd
| Steward: Ilar
| Cristia and Eleonora
| Tycho drumming
| Busy kitchen: Andre, Einar, Emma, Rowena, Bethany, Martuccio
| Alas, poor vegetable... Einar and Bethany
| Chatting in the hall: Niamh, Myfawnwy, Vitale, Heloise, Ethelind, Aliena
| Breads and cheeses
| Einar won the Celtic games. Vitale presents the prize.
| Several people received Awards of Arms: Aliena...
| Michael...
| and Theodora
| And Cristia got her Laurel scroll
| My table: Theodora (dodging), Cat, Clarice, Ayeshah, Niamh
| Cooks and servers. From the front: Bethany, Aliena, Emma, Rowena, Einar, Michael, Andre, Martuccio, Alexander
| Einar carves the haggis in front of Sigurd. Emma, Aliena and Geoffrey visible in background.
| Alys sings to the cooks
| My table again
| Kitchen lurkers: Dave, Sophie, James, Adam, ?Lisa?
| Crowded hallway: Lubie, Mary Ann, ?Lisa? and unidentifiable others
| Nice gloves! ?, Chris, Sophie, ?Danny?
| Buxom wenches: ?, Cat, Charlene, Ashes, Mary Ann
| Quiet room: Ben, Chris, Lesley, Mel
| Fridge and Emily
| Central control room: ?, Alex
| Debra/Mrs Teacake
| Paul?, Olly, a shaven Duncan, ?, Sabrina?, Ivan? (background), Lesley, ?
| Nice dress: ?, ?, Julie, Dennis, Damon
| Colin's new suit
| Auctioning Cat: Troy, Dennis, Cat, ?, Erin, Andrew, Ross, ?, ?
| Zane, ? (obscured), Tony, Cutter, Robyn, ?, Teri, Danny
| Auctioning Josh: Sophie, ?Glen?, Alex, Troy, the bust, Matthew, Josh, Nick, Ross, Sabrina?
| Auctioning Yvette: Erin, Alex, Josh, Sophie, Nick, Troy, ?Dennis?, Adam, Yvette, Morbid, Erebus, ?
| Watching the auction: ?, ?, ?, ?, Tria, Chris, ?, Lubie, Josh
| Teri and Pip dancing
| Dodgy Diana
| Two more dodgy chicks... Mary Ann and Charlene
| Dancefloor again: Keenie?, ?, Meredith, Beast, ?, ?, ?, Rebecca, several obscured people, Tria, Diana, Chris?, Sophie, ?, ? (foreground), Gold, Nick, Trond, Damon?, Hooch?
| Feast + party = sleep: Robyn