| The little fudge girl: Michael?, Keenie, ?, Heather, Ben (head), Mary Ann (hand)
| Kitchen crowd: Picasso, Chris, Angie? (foreground), Cameron, Andrew
| Mel
| Hallway: ?Dennis?, Jenny, Heather, Sophie, Steve (doorway), Adam, ?, Daniel (obscured)
| Michael
| Darcy, ?, Anthony
| Outside: Hadlee, Leon, Alex, Ben, Sophie
| Charlotte, me
| Angie, Matt, ?, ?, Julie
| ?, Caleb, ?, Scarecrow
| Charlotte
| Dancefloor: Mel, ? (obscured), Julie, Cameron, ?, Morbid
| Debra, Simeon
| Dancefloor again: Morbid, Debra, Theresa, Rebecca, Trond, Andrew,
| Michael, Mary Ann
| The soon-to-be-weds: Gold and Sally. (Mike Garland and Karen the Hat in the background)
| A crowd
| Mistress Ashes
| Malevolent Order of the Multiple Orgasm: Clockwise from front right -- Leslie, Cat, Belle, Charlene, Theresa, Beast, Sally, Ashes. Background males: ?, Danny, ?, Zane
| And again: Robyn, Charlene, Ashes, Theresa, Sally
| In the smoke: Belle, Theuns, Glen
| Sophie
| Andrew, Nick, Angie, Cameron
| Kitchen zone: Vernon, Mel, Sally, Rachel? (obscured), Teri, Zane, Karl, Mike, ? (obscured)
| Dungeon zone: Karl, Bastian, Neil, Zane, Beast, Ozzy, Robyn
| Theresa the victim...
| Innocent bystanders: Karla, Trina, Paul
| Bubble shower
| Cheerful victims: Glen, ? (foreground), Charlotte, Rachel, Ashes
| Downstairs, all seems normal: Daniel, Fluffy, Trond, Schmoo
| Upstairs, the torment goes on...: Fran, Charlotte
| ...before a happy audience: Theuns, Darcy, Julie, Rachel, ?
| Fran and Charlotte again
| An expert speaks: Glen, Robyn, Jo, Bastian, ?
| Outside, it's normal again: Jo? (the other one), Caleb?, Charlene, Darcy (foreground), Dennis, Matthew
| Who's been a naughty boy? -- ?, Rachel, Ashes, Glen
| Dodgy trio
| Bastian, Jo, Robyn
| The perils of Pauline
| Glen in trouble again
| Emergency measures to make whipped cream; Vanessa, Peter, ?
| Alistair emerges from cover
| More arrive: Alistair, Diana, Heather, ?, Theresa
| New victim: Matt
| Decent crowd: Alistair, Matt (background), Fluffy, ? (background), Rebecca, Catherine, ?, Tony, Theresa, Trond, Jenny, Damon?, Steve (escaping...), Peter, Diana, Heather (foreground)
| Flasher rat
| The curry eaters
| Star Con II -- the drinking game
| Canasta
| Steve and Jennifer
| Evil jellies: James?, Picasso
| Growing slowly
| Beast
| Hail the Dictator
| On the porch
| Dancefloor
| Simeon, Andi, Simeon
| Robyn, Bastian, Jo, Dillon?
| Porch again
| Long time no see: Will? and Mary
| Trond's harem
| The shaggy trio sing Jerusalem
| Kill it now!
| Dancefloor quietens down
| A little the worse for wear...: Tony, Trond, Keenie, Troy
| Still going strong...: Fluffy, Simeon, Beast, Lisa, Zane