August 11-19: New flatmates party at the Labyrinth, an Affair at the Bordello, hot chocolate at Vanessa's, Gold and Sally's wedding celebrations, drinkies and flatwarming at Ilam Road

New flatmates party, the Labyrinth, August 11, 2000

The little fudge girl: Michael?, Keenie, ?, Heather, Ben (head), Mary Ann (hand)
Kitchen crowd: Picasso, Chris, Angie? (foreground), Cameron, Andrew
Hallway: ?Dennis?, Jenny, Heather, Sophie, Steve (doorway), Adam, ?, Daniel (obscured)
Darcy, ?, Anthony
Outside: Hadlee, Leon, Alex, Ben, Sophie
Charlotte, me
Angie, Matt, ?, ?, Julie
?, Caleb, ?, Scarecrow
Dancefloor: Mel, ? (obscured), Julie, Cameron, ?, Morbid
Debra, Simeon
Dancefloor again: Morbid, Debra, Theresa, Rebecca, Trond, Andrew,
Michael, Mary Ann

An Affair, the Bordello, August 12, 2000

Due to the smoke downstairs, most photos were taken in the upper levels...

The soon-to-be-weds: Gold and Sally. (Mike Garland and Karen the Hat in the background)
A crowd
Mistress Ashes
Malevolent Order of the Multiple Orgasm: Clockwise from front right -- Leslie, Cat, Belle, Charlene, Theresa, Beast, Sally, Ashes. Background males: ?, Danny, ?, Zane
And again: Robyn, Charlene, Ashes, Theresa, Sally
In the smoke: Belle, Theuns, Glen
Andrew, Nick, Angie, Cameron
Kitchen zone: Vernon, Mel, Sally, Rachel? (obscured), Teri, Zane, Karl, Mike, ? (obscured)
Dungeon zone: Karl, Bastian, Neil, Zane, Beast, Ozzy, Robyn
Theresa the victim...
Innocent bystanders: Karla, Trina, Paul
Bubble shower
Cheerful victims: Glen, ? (foreground), Charlotte, Rachel, Ashes
Downstairs, all seems normal: Daniel, Fluffy, Trond, Schmoo
Upstairs, the torment goes on...: Fran, Charlotte
...before a happy audience: Theuns, Darcy, Julie, Rachel, ?
Fran and Charlotte again
An expert speaks: Glen, Robyn, Jo, Bastian, ?
Outside, it's normal again: Jo? (the other one), Caleb?, Charlene, Darcy (foreground), Dennis, Matthew
Who's been a naughty boy? -- ?, Rachel, Ashes, Glen
Dodgy trio
Bastian, Jo, Robyn
The perils of Pauline
Glen in trouble again

Hot chocolate, Peer Street beta, August 18, 2000

Emergency measures to make whipped cream; Vanessa, Peter, ?
Alistair emerges from cover
More arrive: Alistair, Diana, Heather, ?, Theresa
New victim: Matt
Decent crowd: Alistair, Matt (background), Fluffy, ? (background), Rebecca, Catherine, ?, Tony, Theresa, Trond, Jenny, Damon?, Steve (escaping...), Peter, Diana, Heather (foreground)

Gold and Sally's wedding celebrations, Mona Vale, August 18, 2000

High table
KAOS table
KAOS folks and family
JL and Belle
The cake
High table again
Happy couple
KAOS table again
Gold and Trond
Shaun and Teri
Belle, Gold and Chartreuse

Drinkies and flatwarming, Ilam Road, August 19, 2000

Flasher rat
The curry eaters
Star Con II -- the drinking game
Steve and Jennifer
Evil jellies: James?, Picasso
Growing slowly
Hail the Dictator
On the porch
Simeon, Andi, Simeon
Robyn, Bastian, Jo, Dillon?
Porch again
Long time no see: Will? and Mary
Trond's harem
The shaggy trio sing Jerusalem
Kill it now!
Dancefloor quietens down
A little the worse for wear...: Tony, Trond, Keenie, Troy
Still going strong...: Fluffy, Simeon, Beast, Lisa, Zane

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