| Zane plays with guns. What a surprise...
| Simeon, Tria, ?
| More guests: Steve, Picasso, John, Belle, ?
| KAOS posters everywhere. Steve (knee), John (headless), Picasso, Belle, ?, Tony, Schmoo, Simeon, Tria
| First fireworks of the season: Simeon, ?, Tria, Zane?
| Sean, Susan, Annette, Fitz
| Vernon, Zane, Belle, Matt
| The same people again, plus Steve
| More arrivals: Steve, ?, Sean, ?, Susan, Simeon
| Simeon, LX, Susan, Sean, ?, ?
| Waiting for the crowds: Jenny, Belle, Zane, Robyn
| Hands on deck: Kat, Mel, Heather, CJ, Jenny (obscured), Fridge, Anthony, ?, ?
| Seth
| Old hands: Tim and Krispy
| New mail top: Diana, Heather, Theuns (mail maker)
| Teri, Clare, JL, ?, Robert
| Yvette and Adam
| Beast
| Pairing from the past: Pretzel and Sean
| Oldies in the kitchen: Richard, Craig, Carla, Neal, ?, Danny
| Back in circulation: Aaron, Vanessa, CJ
| Claire
| Rat and Pip
| On the deck again: Beast, ?, Anthony?, ?Josie?, ?, Ashes, Zane (obscured), ?Robert?, ? (obscured), JL, John?, Jason
| Murray, Dennis, Tony, ?
| Dancefloor: Adam, Robyn (foreground), Simeon, CJ, ?, Julie; Yvette and Theresa (background); Fridge, Nick, ?Picasso?; ?Karen?, Trond, Teri (in doorway); ?, Mary Ann
| Yvette and Theresa
| Crowd shot
| Me
| Euan's kitchen
| Lurking in the hall: Pretzel, Krispy, Karl, ?, Rat, Craig, Pip, Claire
| Ahmed, Andre and Alexander
| Iarnulf makes a new string
| Assorted archery attenders: Johnny?, Andre, Iuliana, Tim, Iarnulf, Ayeshah, Alexander, Iuliana's father, Susan, Aaron, Bethany, Eoghan, Miles, Aliena, Gilbert
| Barbecue time: ?, Ayeshah, Iarnulf, Aliena, Miles, Tim, Alexander
| Petit Riens: Emma, Aliena, Myfawnwy (Becs in the background)
| Wherligig: Phoebe, Becs, Aliena, Del, Steven, Lesley
| Myfawnwy, Michael, Emma, Duncan, Tim, Rebecca, Charlotte
| Lesley, Michael, Emma, Iarnulf, Rebecca, Anthony, Josie, Tim (foreground), Aliena, Del
| Around the fire: Robyn?, Simeon, Belle, Jenny, Zane, vernon, Robert? (foreground)
| More fire: Belle, Fluffy, Traci, Lisa, Mary Ann, Dennis, Fridge (background), Nicola, ?, Simeon
| Nice pumpkin costume
| Belle, Vernon, Dillon
| ?, Belle
| Unknown killer
| Nice decoration
| Lots of sparklers (2-300) by Zane
| More decorations
| Firework watchers: Nicola, Jenny, Traci?, John?, Brian; ? and Fridge behind them; a bunch of non-KAOS peopl; Mary Ann and Robert at right
| Fire pois
| They're escaping! Release the hounds...
| Studying hard: Theresa, Mary Ann, Cat, Robyn
| Locusts descend: Rebecca, Robyn, Stefan, Tony
| New barbecue: Beast, ?, ?, Robert, Zane, Robyn
| Matt, Schmoo, Steve
| The waiting crowd
| Random firework
| And another
| Zane's 300 sparklers
| Sparklers in more moderate quantities
| Colin's 1000 sparklers, inadequately restrained
| The aftermath
| Recycled from the big batch (200 or so)