October 27-November 5: Schmoo's drinkies, picnic for Sean and Susan, Seth's birthday, SCA archery and dance, Vernon's flat's Halloween party, Del's engagement drinkies, Guy Fawkes

Schmoo's drinkies, Cranford Street, 27 October, 2000

Zane plays with guns. What a surprise...
Simeon, Tria, ?
More guests: Steve, Picasso, John, Belle, ?
KAOS posters everywhere. Steve (knee), John (headless), Picasso, Belle, ?, Tony, Schmoo, Simeon, Tria
First fireworks of the season: Simeon, ?, Tria, Zane?

Picnic for Sean and Susan, Botanic Gardens, 28 October, 2000

Sean, Susan, Annette, Fitz
Vernon, Zane, Belle, Matt
The same people again, plus Steve
More arrivals: Steve, ?, Sean, ?, Susan, Simeon

Seth's birthday, Puna Street, 28 October, 2000

Simeon, LX, Susan, Sean, ?, ?
Waiting for the crowds: Jenny, Belle, Zane, Robyn
Hands on deck: Kat, Mel, Heather, CJ, Jenny (obscured), Fridge, Anthony, ?, ?
Old hands: Tim and Krispy
New mail top: Diana, Heather, Theuns (mail maker)
Teri, Clare, JL, ?, Robert
Yvette and Adam
Pairing from the past: Pretzel and Sean
Oldies in the kitchen: Richard, Craig, Carla, Neal, ?, Danny
Back in circulation: Aaron, Vanessa, CJ
Rat and Pip
On the deck again: Beast, ?, Anthony?, ?Josie?, ?, Ashes, Zane (obscured), ?Robert?, ? (obscured), JL, John?, Jason
Murray, Dennis, Tony, ?
Dancefloor: Adam, Robyn (foreground), Simeon, CJ, ?, Julie; Yvette and Theresa (background); Fridge, Nick, ?Picasso?; ?Karen?, Trond, Teri (in doorway); ?, Mary Ann
Yvette and Theresa
Crowd shot
Euan's kitchen
Lurking in the hall: Pretzel, Krispy, Karl, ?, Rat, Craig, Pip, Claire

SCA archery and dance, Kirkwood Intermediate and LCR, 29 October and 2 November, 2000

Ahmed, Andre and Alexander
Iarnulf makes a new string
Assorted archery attenders: Johnny?, Andre, Iuliana, Tim, Iarnulf, Ayeshah, Alexander, Iuliana's father, Susan, Aaron, Bethany, Eoghan, Miles, Aliena, Gilbert
Barbecue time: ?, Ayeshah, Iarnulf, Aliena, Miles, Tim, Alexander
Petit Riens: Emma, Aliena, Myfawnwy (Becs in the background)
Wherligig: Phoebe, Becs, Aliena, Del, Steven, Lesley
Myfawnwy, Michael, Emma, Duncan, Tim, Rebecca, Charlotte
Lesley, Michael, Emma, Iarnulf, Rebecca, Anthony, Josie, Tim (foreground), Aliena, Del

Vernon's flat's Halloween party, Matai St West, 3 November, 2000

Around the fire: Robyn?, Simeon, Belle, Jenny, Zane, vernon, Robert? (foreground)
More fire: Belle, Fluffy, Traci, Lisa, Mary Ann, Dennis, Fridge (background), Nicola, ?, Simeon
Nice pumpkin costume
Belle, Vernon, Dillon
?, Belle
Unknown killer
Nice decoration
Lots of sparklers (2-300) by Zane
More decorations
Firework watchers: Nicola, Jenny, Traci?, John?, Brian; ? and Fridge behind them; a bunch of non-KAOS peopl; Mary Ann and Robert at right
Fire pois
They're escaping! Release the hounds...
Studying hard: Theresa, Mary Ann, Cat, Robyn

Del's engagement drinkies, Churchill Street, 4 November, 2000

Brent, Dillon, Del
Josie and Mel
Schmoo, Josie, Seth, Tony, Mel, Erebus, Charlotte
Jenny, Diana, Dillon
Simeon, Nicola, Dillon? (background), Seth, Schmoo, ?

Guy Fawkes, Auburn Ave, 5 November, 2000

Locusts descend: Rebecca, Robyn, Stefan, Tony
New barbecue: Beast, ?, ?, Robert, Zane, Robyn
Matt, Schmoo, Steve
The waiting crowd
Random firework
And another
Zane's 300 sparklers
Sparklers in more moderate quantities
Colin's 1000 sparklers, inadequately restrained
The aftermath
Recycled from the big batch (200 or so)

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