Mar 2, 2001: First meeting, first party

Meeting: UCR, UCSA

Russell and Mia greet arriving agents
Security checkpoint. ?Pip?, Simeon
Duncan, Tony, Ashes
Waiting crowd: Dillon, Seth, Steve standing at rear; ?, ?, Trond, Daniel standing at right; Katharine, Tim, Nicola, Chris (foreground), Andrew, Erin, Belle, Yvette, Storm, Andre seated
More crowd. Working back: ?, ?, ?, Mia
Darcy, Ricki, Lisa, Mike
Sabrina, Theuns
Julian, Ben, ?
Unrecognisable background faces
Only good politburo shot: Schmoo, Diana, Tony. (It's best to warn me in advance if I can't use a flash...)
A few more politburo: Schmoo, Diana, Tony (obscured), Denis?, Alex, Leon?
Politburo leaves the stage: Dillon, Dennis, Trond, Leon, Alex, Seth
Erin, Yvette, Tim. Anthony in background.
Scarecrow's Used Weapons. Clockwise from bottom left: Trond, Mia, Lisa, ?, ?, Ian, Alex, Scarecrow, Hamish

Party: the Bordello

Storm and Nicola
Kat and Yvette
Matt, Del
Tony and Matthew
Ricki?, Jenny, Heather, Anthony. Headless JL behind Anthony
Daily Illuminator readers: Schmoo, Diana, Alex, Michael, Matthew, Del (foreground), Jenny, Mary Anne, ?, ?
Unsuspecting camera victims. Clockwise from bottom left: Storm, Andre, Russell, ?, ?, ?, Theresa, Morbid
Sarah and Mary Anne
? and Trond. Russell, Katharine, Jo and Charlene visible in background
Debra, Angela, Cutter
Jo and Bastian
Rebecca, Nicola, Brent, Schmoo, Katharine
Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker. Danny has both...
Glen and Julie
Euan and Paula
Dictators: Trond (1999), John (1995), Pauline (1994), Dennis (2001), Daniel (1997), Dillon (1993), Belle (1989)
Tony and his molls (Diana and Marybeth). Belle (legs), Angela and Cutter in background.
Here's trouble: Pip and Lubie
Ambush! UCSA president surrounded by KAOS women: Keenie, Jarrod, Charlotte, Lubie
Almost a smile for the camera: Angie and Andi
Becs takes a break from making sets
I don't want to know! Dan, Sebastian, Duncan, ?
Karl in a kilt
Jenny asleep on her feet

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