| Just like home: Tony, Diana, Simeon, Andi |
| Carolyn and Trond |
| At Lambretta's: James, Tony, Diana. The pizzas are good there. |
| LX (who nearly avoided all photos), Simeon, John |
| Mel, Rebecca, Simeon |
| Alex is watching! |
| Andi, James, John, Carolyn, Simeon's hair, Tony, Diana |
| Simeon, Andi, Schmoo, Meredith |
| Mascot and transport |
| Most of the culprits the morning after: Trond, Schmoo, Mel, Simeon, Rebecca, Carolyn, Diana, Andi, John |
Gratuitous scenery from the road trip, rather less blurry than I expected. Many thanks to Carolyn for playing taxi!
| Heading north out of Nelson |
| Crossing the Whangamoa Saddle |
| Turnoff to the northern Sounds |
| Pelorus bridge |
| Tidal flats outside Havelock |
| Cloud shadows on the hills |
| Dry hills south of Blenheim |
| The bridge at Seddon is a little unusual... |
| ...but no trains above us today... |
| The sea! |
| Heading down the coast |
| More sea |
| Kaikoura, above the town |
| Travellers: Carolyn, Mel, Rebecca |
| Paratitahi Tunnel, modified for big trucks |
| Weather looks ominous |
| Heading into the Hundalees |
| The road winds through the hills |
| Back in Canterbury |
| Crossing the Waiau |
| North Canterbury |
| Somewhere near Omihi |
| Outskirts of Christchurch |
| He's baaack! Mel |
| Dictator and floozy (Tony and Ashes) |
| Robert and Angela |
| Barbecuers
Verandah: Zane, ?, Duncan, Robert, ?, Angela, Steve, Tina, ?, Anthony, Theuns
Lawn: Al, Jenny, Peter, Sonya, Rebecca, Trond, Meredith, ? (obscured), Diana, Tim, Tony, Del, Ashes |
| ? and Mary |
| Sonya, Peter, Al, Jenny, Zane |
| Zane (decapitated), Storm, Del, Leon, Anthony, Lisa, Rebecca, Mia, Nick |
| Nicole and Keenie fight over the DODGY stamp |
| Diana |
| Phil and Pixi |
| Jenny, Mel, Jacqui |
| Ricki and Glenn |
| Leon, Mel, Steve, Lisa, Glenn |
| Al and Dan |
| Amy and Mel |
| Darcy |
| Josie and Morbid |
| Emma, Tria, Pip |
| Spud
Background; Steve, Lisa, ?, ?, ?, ? |
| Fiona and James |
| 'allo 'allo 'allo 'allo! Who's this in the shower? Ricki and Pixi |
| John and Daniel |
| Mia, Storm, Lisa. Nick lurks in the background. |
| Zane and Garth |
| Jenny and Claire
Background: ?, Spud, ?, Dust, Adam?, ?, ?, James |
| Hamish and Scott |
| Dan? and Anthony |
| Charlotte and Jess. Angie in the background. |
| Storm and Leon |
| Andrew and Mia |
| Ashes, Tinks, Del |
| Neil |
| CJ and Chris |
| Puppy pile: Pip, Keenie, Morbid, Hamish, Schmoo |
| Andrew |
| Mel and Kat |
| Jonty |