December 13-30: Kahu Road drinkies, Nina's graduation, Christmas party, Two Towers trip, Christmas Eve, Christmas, West Coast/Nelson trip

Kahu Road Drinkies, 13 December 2002

Martuccio looks silly...
...Charlene looks guilty
? (obscured), Wayne, ? (visiting SCAdian), Rebecca, Amy
Al, Belle, Dust, Zane, Jenny
Stacey, Theuns, Martuccio, ?

Nina's Graduation Party, Runanga, 14 December 2002, plus return trip

Assorted guests
Mary and Nina
The scary bridge -- an active railway and bad visibility entering the bridge...
Candy's Bend: rockfall protection and Reid Falls
Arthur's Pass mountainry
Curious kea -- no camera zoom involved...
From cloud on the Coast to blue sky in Canterbury beyond the pass
Lots of purple lupins

Christmas Party, Puna Street, 21 December 2002

Pete and Karen
Carolyn, Nicole, James
Beast, Josh (obscured), Meredith, ?Nick?
Kat, Daniel
JL, Keenie?, Nick?
Stacey, Diana, Nick
Oliver, Beast, Nicole, Keenie, Paula, Josh, Ray, Trudy
Jenny, Angela, Carolyn
Jess, Al, ? (obscured)
Oliver, Duncan
? and Brat
Robyn, Tony
Charlene, Oliver
Background: ?, Alan, ?
?, Carolyn, Trond
Michael, Angela
Mike, Jenny
Rat, Diana
Karen, Duncan, Jenny, Al, Heather, Mike, Dan, Alan, Rebecca, Simeon
Seated: Jenny, Rebecca, Meredith, Daniel, Trudy, John, Tim (couch), Ashes
Standing: ? (window), Jason, Charlene, Lubie, Keenie, Josh, Pip?, Kat, ? (obscured), Michael, Ryan, Pete, Mike, Stacey
James (obscured), ?, ?, ?, Ryan, Mike (obscured), Stacey (very obscured)
Background, obscured: Karen, Duncan, Al, Beast
Kat, ?
Tim, Stacey, Tim, Tony, Carolyn, Paula, Nicole
Jason, Trond? (window), Charlene
Zane and Jenny
Ray, Claire
Getting excited: ?Matt?, Claire, Stacey, Tony, Carolyn, Paula
The aftermath: Kat, Tim, Paula (obscured), ? (legs), Ashes
John gets violent toys!
Background: Jess, Al?, Dan, Beast, ?Nicola?, Rebecca, ?Theuns?, Zane, Meredith
Keenie, Josh, Diana
Matt, Claire, Dan, ?
Leon, ?, Storm
Jenny, Zane, Nicola, Tim
These lollipops mean business! Storm, Kat, Leon, Rebecca (obscured), Theuns
Simeon and Scarecrow
After the Time Warp
Standing: ?, ?Nicola?, Nicole (obscured), Jess
Collapsed: ?, Al, Keenie?

Two Towers Trip, Puna Street and Hoyts 8, 22 December 2002

Dan, Rat, ?Theuns? Simeon, Michael, Amy, Keely, Seth
Waiting around: John?, Seth, ?, Beast, Meredith
Jenny, Dan. ?, Stacey, ?, Lubie, ?, ?, Theuns, Wayne

Christmas Eve, Oliviers Road, 24 December 2002

Old Saint Nick
Clockwise from front: Steve, Jess, Rebecca, Martuccio, Beast, Meredith, Stefan

Christmas, Kahu Road, 25 December 2002

Thorkell, Duncan
Thorkell, Andre, Leon, Storm
Tony, Carolyn
Duncan, Martuccio, Thorkell, Daniel
Natasha and Vadim play with Harley
Duncan, Jess, John, Daniel, Steve (obscured)
Mouse, Robyn, Belle, Al, Dan
Dillon (obscured), Danny, Rebecca, Mouse, Robyn
Blowing bubbles: Dillon, Al, Jess, John, Mouse
Mouse's famous bubble-balancing act
John opens fire

West Coast/Nelson trip, 26-30 December 2002

Waterfall into Seven Mile Creek
Mine entrance
Water race
Rabbit Island

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