August 23, 2003: 48-hour Party -- Saturday daytime [Friday, Saturday evening, Sunday]

Saturday daytime

Last minute costuming: Suze
Space Marines need hearty breakfasts... Hamish
John on a bad day...
Colin, Dave, Maria
Trond, Dave? (obscured), Dan, Colin
Scarecrow, Mel, ?, Jenny (obscured)
Chloe, Reece, Nick, Jesse, Cameron, Daniel (obscured), Maria
Al, Dillon
? (obscured), Keith Locke MP, Wizard
?Nick?, Duncan (obscured), Jo, Miche, Joe, ?, Jarrod, Carolyn, Maria, ?, Jo, Liz, Gevan, Trond (obscured), Daniel, Dillon (very obscured), Al, Natalia, ?Dave? (obscured), Robert, ? (obscured), Wizard, Keith, ?, ? (obscured), Vania, Kirk, Russell
Duncan, Bastian (obscured), Jenny, Wizard, Dillon, ?
Brother Marine Orinoco: Kirk
?, Keith, Robert, ?, ?, Scarecrow (obscured), Jarrod, ?, ? (obscured), Mel, ? (obscured), ?
Tank assembly: Jesse, Nick, ?, Heather, Laura, ?, Colin
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Cultists: Paula, Daniel (very obscured), Scarecrow, Dillon, Paul, Mel, Lesley, Liz, Trond, Bastian, Fiona
Alfs on parade
Marching off to war
Arriving on the field
Alfish airforce: ?, ?
Background: Paul, Norman, ? (obscured), Bastian, Russell?, Lesley?, Mel, Liz, Fiona, Dillon
Jenny, Keith, ?, ? (obscured), Amy, Carolyn, ? (obscured), Gevan, Maria, ? (obscured), Jo, Rebecca (obscured), Jarrod, Norman, Nick, Dan, Nick, ? (obscured), ? (obscured), Morbid, ?, Colin, Luke, Duncan, Daniel, Kirk, ?, Cameron, Al, Dave, Jo, Brian, ? (obscured)
War being declared: ?, ? (obscured), Maria, ?Luke?, Colin, Simeon, ? (obscured), Joe, Amy, Fluffi, Lesley, Paul?, Miche, Diana, ?, Jo, ?, ?, Reece, Dan, ?, Carolyn, Nick? (obscured), Duncan
Alfs Airfarce vs KAOS Marine Dreadnought The Vengence of Madame Cholet: ?, Heather, ?, Hamish, ?
?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Background: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Space Marines, KAOS Chapter: Brother Marine Tobermory, Lieutenant Bulgaria, The Vengence of Madame Cholet, Brother Marine Orinoco (Tony, John, Hamish, Kirk)
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Carolyn (obscured), Amy, ? (obscured), Dan, Nick, Diana
Photo courtesy of Stacey
?, Maria, Colin, Carl, Fluffi, Amy, Brian, Theuns? (obscured), Luke, Duncan, Simeon?, Dan, Carolyn
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Into the Valley of Death... ?, ?, Dan (ground), ?, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Norman, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?Simeon? (hat),Stacey, ?, ?, ?, ?, Jesse?, Jo, ?, Scarecrow (obscured), ?, ?, ? (dead), ? (obscured), ? (dead), ?, ? (dead), Amy, ?, ?
Watchers: ?, ?, ? (background), Alan, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Gevan, ? (very obscured), Morbid, Norman, ?, Vania, ?, Steve, Jenny, Rebecca, ? (obscured), Colin, Al, Dave
Jenny, ?, Diana, Lesley, ?, ? (foreground), ?, ?, Colin, ?, Daniel, ?, ?, Russell?, Hamish (background), ? (dead), ?, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Alfs: ?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?, ?
Background others: ? (hat), ?Mel?, ?, ?, Dillon (very obscured), Bastian, Carolyn
?, ?, ? (dead), ? (obscured), ?, ?, Jenny, Carolyn, Dan (obscured), ?, Diana, Luke, ? (obscured), Stacey, ?, Jarrod (obscured), Maria, Brian, Simeon
?, Scarecrow, Naomi, ?Julie?
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Gun park: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Peaceful protest being violently dispersed
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Foreground: ?, ?, ?
Background: Bastian Trond, ?, Paula, Dillon, Brian, Scarecrow (obscured), Jarrod, Maria, ?, Diana (hat), ?Carolyn?, Luke, ?, Cameron, ?, Simeon, Tony? (obscured), Nick, Miche, Duncan, Natalia, Nigel, Norman, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
?, Theuns (obscured), ?, ?, Russell
Photo courtesy of Stacey
?, ?, Theuns, Duncan, Jacqui, Duncan, ?, ?, Jenny, ?, ?
Bastian, Russell, Daniel, Paul, Lesley, Dillon, Fiona? (obscured), Brian
Paul, Trond, Bastian, ?, ?, Dillon, Fiona, Daniel, ?, Mel, Paula, ?
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Wizard, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Bastian, ?, ?, Russell, ?, Daniel (obscured), ?, Dillon (obscured), Joe, ? (obscured), Chloe, ? (obscured), Miche
Greens attacked by GE carrot: ?, ?, ?, Keith, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Chloe, Jo, Reece, Jarrod, Jesse, ?, Miche, Nigel, Nick, Daniel
?, Nigel
Duncan (obscured), Al, Jacqui, Robert
Delousing, perhaps... ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
The stress of battle: ?, ?, Kirk, John (obscured), ?, Duncan (background), ?, ?, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Summoning ritual: Paul, Liz, Dillon, Fiona, Bastian, Trond, Daniel, Scarecrow, ?, ? (obscured), Alan, Stacey
It comes! ?, Daniel, Bastian, ? (obscured), Lesley?, Trond, Dillon, Scarecrow, ? (very obscured), Mel?, Norman
Background: ?, ?, Gevan, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
Jacqui, Jenny, ?, shoggoth, ?, ?
Charge of the Space Marines: John, Tony, Duncan, Kirk
Background: ?, Stacey, ?, ? (obscured), Keith, ?, ?, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Failing to stop it: ?, Wizard
All will be consumed...
Foreground: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, shoggoth
Background: Hamish, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
Reece, Nick, Cameron, Jesse, Miche, ? (background), Carolyn, Nick, Diana, ? (obscured), Natalia
Tank crew: Jarrod, Heather, Steve, Laura
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Gynn, Brian, ?, Luke, Dan (obscured), ?, ?, ?, ?, Theuns, ?, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Phil, Cameron, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Reincarnated wizard rallies his troops: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Wizard, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
The beast is dead: Miche, Alan, shoggoth, ?, Wizard, ?
Photo courtesy of Stacey
A flock of Alfs
Photo courtesy of Stacey
Joe, ?, Luke, ? (obscured), ?, Carolyn?, Jesse, Chloe, Cameron, Brian, Jo, Dan, Duncan, Tony, Gynn, Miche (obscured), Nick, Kirk (obscured), Simeon, John, ?
Counter attack: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
Alfs: ? (obscured), ?, ?, ?, ? (obscured), ? (obscured), ?, ? (obscured), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Watchers: ?, Sonya, ?, Dave, ?, Al, Duncan, Jenny, Jacqui, Amy
?, Brian, ?, ?, Chloe, Nick (foreground), ?, Naomi, ?, ?, ?, Daniel (obscured), Simeon, ?, ?, ? (ground), ?, ?, Joe
Hostile takeover: ?, ?, ? (obscured), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Jo, ? (obscured), Chloe?, ?
Wizard, Carolyn, Brian, Simeon, ?, ?, ?, Dan, ?, ?
Overthrowing the system: Tony, Kirk, Amy, ?, John, Sonya, Sasha
Winding down: ?, ?, Kirk, Fiona, Liz, Carolyn? (obscured), Natalia, ? (dead, foreground), ?, Duncan, ? (dead), Tony (obscured), Dan, ? (foreground), ? (obscured), ?, ?, ?, Nick, Brian, ? (very obscured), Reece, Scarecrow, Laura, ?, Luke, ?, Chloe, John, ?
Rebecca, Stacey
?, Natalia, ?, ? (obscured), Diana, ?, Dillon (obscured), ?, Nick, ?, ?, Reece, ?, Nick, Chloe, Gevan, Jesse, Jarrod
Spectators: ?, ?, ?, ?Nick?, Robin, ? (obscured), ?, Nick, ?
Background: Simeon, ?, ?, Dan, Bastian, John, Trond, ?, ?, Rebecca, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Stacey

Saturday evening

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