February 6-10: Canterbury Fair, Night of Champions

Canterbury Fair is New Zealand's largest annual SCA event, running for about five days over Waitangi weekend.

Thursday February 6, 2003

Brian, Sonya, Einar
Miles, William
Bethany, Michael, Iuliana
Michelet prepares for business
The new toy: Martuccio, Asbjorn, Lorenzo
Fighters preparing to play: Michael, Willehelm (obscured), Barrett, Lia, Inigo, William, Romano, Peregrine, Bevan, ?Bevan's friend Callum?
Bartholomew, Magnus
Michelet directs his labourers
Background: ?, Barrett, William, Michael, ?
Open for business: Michelet, Brian, Martuccio, Rowena, Sanchia
Gryphon, Martuccio
Back from the wine trail: ?, ?, ?, Katherine
Cynethryth, Katherine, Sonya, Bartholomew, ?, ?, Einar, Iuliana, Magnus
?, Brenda
Sonya, Angel, Einar
?, ?, Fen, ?
Sanchia, Natalia, Angel, Willehelm?, ?Beatriz?, Asbjorn, William, ?Benedict?, Catiline
Rowena and Martuccio forming their household
Lorenzo, Rowena, ?, Duncan, Martuccio
Rowena, Magnus, ?, ?, Lorenzo, Einar, Stephen, ?Duncan? (obscured)
?, Philippe
Michelet, Iuliana, ?Danny?, Fraser, Emlyn, Adele (obscured)
Singing in the Mong: Sonya, Catiline, Angel, Yolande, Iuliana

Friday February 7

Listfield: Ulf, Peregrine, Bernard, William
Background: ?, Barrett, Benedict, William (and various too dark to see)
Alan, Iuliana?, Martuccio, Fen, ?, Turloc
Fighters lurking in the shade: William, ?, Asbjorn, ?, ?, Magnus, Duncan, ?, ? ?, ?, Willehelm, William (standing), ?, Tycho, Peregrine (foreground), Inigo, Miles, Ulf, Bernard, ?, Ulfric
Willehelm vs Duncan
Brian, Einar, Sonya
Romano, Beatriz, Danny, Richard, Angel, Peregrine, Bernard, William
Bastian, Asbjorn, Ulf, Inigo, Philippe
The king!
?Gilbert?, Callum?, Angel, Willehelm, Alexandra, Magnus, Katherine, ?, Rowena, Michael, Bartholomew, William, ? (obscured), ?, Dickon?, Asbjorn, Finella, Richard?
Angel, Redbeard, Katherine
Willehelm, Inigo
Rowena, Callum?, Vitale, Sigurd, ? (background), Romano?, Magnus
Ulf, Miles, Duncan, Benedict, ? (obscured), Inigo, ? (obscured), Turloc (background), Magnus, ?, Batholomew, ?, Sigurd, Philippe, Tycho?, Vitale, Geoffrey, Ulfric, ?, Alexandra
Geoffrey, Richard?, ?, William, ?, Tycho, ?, Magnus, Martuccio, Ulf, Bastian, Sigurd, Rowena, ?Deordannan?
?, ?, Tycho, ?, ?, ?, Rotte, ?, ?, Ulfric, Peregrine (obscured), Philippe, ?
Alys?, ?, Tycho, ? (obscured), Richard, Bartholomew, ?, ?, Inigo, ?, Philippe, ?, ?, Ulfric
?, ?, Sigurd, Martuccio (very obscured), Duncan, ?, Miles, Peregrine, ? (fallen), Tycho, Callum, ?, ?
Mike and Kate
Capture the king: Duncan, ?, ?, William, ?, the king, Inigo, ?, Romano, Bartholomew, ? (obscured), Philippe
Finella at play, Sonya (feet), ?
Michelet at his post
Preparing the hedgehog race: ?, Brian, Rowena, Miles, ?, ?, ?Fran?, Arnfridr (obscured), Stephen, Michelet
Scuffles and his manager
Rowena, Lorenzo, Martuccio, Daniel, Amy, Miles, Turloc

Saturday February 8

Magnus (obscured), Alan? (obscured), Genevieve, Sanchia, Terese
Background: see next photo
? (obscured), ?, Turloc, Peregrine, ?, Angel, Bernard
Bethany, Stacey
Bernard, Emma, Sanchia
Market day: Katherine (foreground), Mike, Theresa, ?Barrett?, Alys, Ulf, Angel, Sonya (background), Vincent, ?, ?, Danny, William, ?
Willehelm, ?, ?, Einar, Magnus, ?, ?
Attack! Fraser, Beatriz, ?, Therese, Fen
Cool jugs, sold by Mike and Kate
Wrestling ring, ? vs ?
Spectators: ?, ?, ?, ?, Ayfra, ?, ?, Adele, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Dieter?, ?, Ilar, ?, ?, ?, ?, Danny, ?, ?
Fighter auction
Standing: Magnus, Tycho, Benedict (obscured), Richard (obscured), Inigo, Vitale, Callum, Emrys, Peregrine, Dieter, ?, ?Willehelm?, Romano, ?, ?, ?, ?Sigurd?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Ulf, ?, ?, ?, ?
Seated: Asbjorn, Natalia, ?, Theresa, ?, ?, ?, Miles, Ethelind?, ?, Therese, Amy, ?, Niamh, ?, ?, Adele, Genevieve, ?, Iuliana, Katherine, ?, Cynethryth, ?, ?, ?, ?, Sanchia?, ?, ?, ?William?, Lesley?, ?
Vadim, Natasha, Emma
Asbjorn vs Inigo
Background: Geoffrey, Ulf, ?
Turloc, Vincent, Lorenzo
?, Asbjorn, Emrys?, Peregrine, William (foreground), Barrett, ?, Callum, ?, Benedict, ?, Magnus, ?
Feast hall
Right table: Kate, Cynethryth, ?, ?, ?, ?
Center table: Niamh, Sanchia, Redbeard, ?, Emrys, ? (obscured), Natalia?, Genevieve, ?Fen?, ?, ?, Turloc?, many ?s
Left table: ?, ?, ?, Alan, ?, Sonya, ?, Einar, Miles, ?, ?, Benedict, ?, ?, ?, Adele
Dancing the Maltese Bransle: Sonya, Alan (obscured), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Michael, Daniel,
Philippe, Niamh, ?, Alys

Sunday February 9

Castle battle (too much hassle to label...)
William swears fealty to Alys
Background: Angel (obscured), Redbeard, Ulf
Onlookers: Asbjorn, Emrys, William, Miles, Romano
Sanchia, Bethany, Daniel, ?, Genevieve, Bernard, Arnfridr, Niamh, Sonya, Einar
William squires to Ulf
Background: Einar, Alan, Angel, Iuliana, Redbeard, Alys
The detritus of war
Fencing demo: Benedict, William, Emrys
Boffer weapons: Callum?, ?
Philippe, ?, ? Bevan
Woods battle: ? (obscured), ? (obscured), Bartholomew, ? ?, Peregrine, ?, ?, ?
Peregrine, Sigurd, ? (background), Bartholomew, ? (obscured), Philippe, ?
Peregrine, Martuccio, Romano, Callum
Deordannan returns with the trophy
Exhausted Martuccio
Lorenzo's new garb
Just engaged: Clarice and Duncan
Clarice, Alexandra, Duncan, Adele
A rebuilt castle: ?, ?
Relaxing at the Doghouse: Clarice (obscured), Duncan, Bernard, Magnus, Asbjorn, William, Martuccio, ?
So that's Cheez-whiz: Rowena and Martuccio
William, Catalina, Finella
Puppy pile: Bernard, Rowena, Miles, Angel, ?, Emrys?, Asbjorn, ?, ?, Lorenzo

Night of Champions, WEA Hall, February 10, 2003

Katherine, Bernard, Emma
Stephen, Romano, Bartholomew, Brian, Genevieve, Yolande, Michelet, Aliena, Emlyn
The balloon-stomping champion: Peregrine, Angel, Alexander
?, ?, Amy, ? (obscured), Magnus, Brian, ?, Romano, Angel, Natasha (foreground), Alan, Peregrine, Genevieve
Adele the cook dispatches Dickon the rabbit
Background: Natasha, ?, ?, ?, Magnus, Brian, Romano, Angel, Alan, Michelet
Aliena, Bernard, Natasha
Jousting: Arnfridr and Emlyn vs Katherine and ?Dickon?
Background: Romano, Yolande, Alan, Peregrine, Genevieve, Bethany
Bethany, Michael, Stacey, Amy, Yolande, Emrys
Dicing for the grail
Foreground: Natasha, ?Beatriz?, Aliena, Iarnulf, Yolande, Iuliana, Bartholomew, Arnfridr, Emlyn
Background: ?, ?, Amy, Magnus, Romano, Brian, Angel, Alan, Peregrine

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