1998-99 (ish): Dillon's Photos -- End of Year 1998, Grand Vizier's ball and bug hunt, miscellany

End of Year 1998

Dillon, Colin, Trond, Mel
?, Al, Charlotte, ?Scarecrow? (obscured), Becs, Dan, Duncan
Picasso, Daniel, ? (obscured), Matt, Fridge

Grand Vizier's ball and bug hunt

Cutter, ? (foreground), Jacqui, Gold, Julie, ?, ?, ?, ?
The DJ -- "The Drawing Room"
Dillon's desk
Shoei and ?Peter?
Tie forest
Jacqui caught unawares
The day after... Euan
Cutter imitates heavy machinery
Chris, ?
Bug hunters


Photos from the mid-late 90s which aren't related to the other sets.

Picasso and Dillon, 1997-ish?
Probably a farewell to Wombat, late 90s: ?, ?, Steve, Vernon, John, Dillon, LX

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Copyright © 1993-2001, Dillon Burke and Phil Anderson. Hosting kindly provided by SPIS Ltd.