August 24, 2002: 48-hour Party -- Saturday: morning, Operation Jellie, interlude, party, (Friday, Sunday)

Morning, the While Palace

Storm and Andre
Andre the alien
Finishing touches: Kat, Simeon, Robert, Daniel
The armoury: Cutter and Hamish
Visitors from the south: Duncan, ?, ?, Chris
Phil, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Al, ?, Jo
Tinks and Fridge
Jonty and Leon prepare acoustic weapons
Andre and Storm (foreground), Tinks, Al, Carolyn, Duncan, ?, ?, Bernard, Fridge, ?, ?, ?, ?, Daniel, Chris, Cody?
Hamish the weapons master

Operation Jellie, Jellie Park

The forces of KAOS, chaos and all sorts of loonies meet and do battle for supremacy in Operation Jellie!

The exodus...
Cultists: ?, Jo, Blair, Crystal, Sonya, John, Daniel, Kat (obscured), Lesley
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Horsemen and Skanks: Andre? (obscured), Jonty, Gynn, Leon, Storm, Nigel, Carolyn, Tinks, Mary Anne, Victoria?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Schoolgirls and southerners: Kat, Colin, Dan, ?, ?, Naomi, Jarrod, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Nick, Fridge (very obscured), the Wizard, Norman, ?, ?, ?Victoria?, Mary Anne, Carolyn, Tinks, Nigel
Photo courtesy of Marsden
The high command: Simeon, Diana, Tony, Ashes
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Schoolgirls: ?, ? (obscured), Kat, Dan, Nicola, Heather, ?, ?, Cody?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
The southerners: Tinks, Carolyn, ?Victoria?, ?, Dennis, ? (obscured), ?, ?, ?, Kat (obscured)
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Four Horsemen of the Rock Apocalypse: Jonty, Leon, Storm, Andre, Norman, Mary Anne (obscured)
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Catering and medical corps: Julie, Colin, Rebecca, Paula
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Steve, Tony, Simeon (obscured), Duncan, Trond, ?, Hamish
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Well-disciplined imperial troops arrive
Photo courtesy of Marsden
?, Zane, Jenny, Bastian, ?, Trond, Cutter, Naomi, Morbid, ?, Jarrod, Daniel, ?, Lesley (obscured), Hamish, Jo
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Battle is joined
Photo courtesy of Marsden
The Red navy: ?, Fridge, James, Andrew
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Bernard? (obscured), Rebecca, Jarrod, Duncan, Kat, Dan, Al, Zane, ? (background)
Photo courtesy of Marsden
During an interlude in the hostilities, opposing sides play football: Dan, Steve, Brian, Colin, ?, ? (obscured), Andrew, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Red airforce: Andrew, Hamish
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Naomi, Cody, Jarrod, Zane, Cutter (obscured), Andre (obscured), Al, Storm, Theuns?, Nicola, ? (obscured), Blair, Hamish (obscured), Trond, Daniel, Duncan, Bastian
Photo courtesy of Marsden
? (obscured), Tony, ? (obscured), ?Victoria?, Carolyn?, Amy?, ?, Mary Anne, Nigel, ?, Diana, ?, ?, Ashes, Jonty, ?, ?, Leon, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Simeon, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
?, ?, Theuns?, ?, Al, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Casualties of war
Photo courtesy of Marsden
The dreaded conga-line charge: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Kat, Dan, Heather, ?, Simeon
Photo courtesy of Marsden
The cultists summon a shoggoth! Daniel (tentacle), Sonya (obscured), ? (very obscured), Steve, Kat, Lesley, ?, Sonja
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Desperate attempts to slay the foul beast
Photo courtesy of Marsden
The crawling horror
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Slain at last! ?, ?, ?, ?, Ashes (background), Jonty, ?, ?
Photo courtesy of Marsden
The return: Hamish, Fridge, Colin, ?, Leon, ?, Storm, ?, ?...
Photo courtesy of Marsden


During the afternoon and evening, several KAOS operatives attended a wedding instead of the party, but failed to escape the camera...

Interlude: Bec and ? as bridesmaids
Interlude: Ben at the reception

Party, the White Palace

And then, on with the party, including a 21st birthday dinner and cake for KAOS.

Dinner: ?, ?, ?, Meredith? (foreground), Heather, Carolyn?, ?, Kirk, ?, Diana, Jenny (foreground), ?, Nicola, James, Alan
Photo courtesy of Marsden
A good-sized barbeque...
Photo courtesy of Marsden
The cake
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Cutter, Schmoo, Simeon, Diana, Belle, Hamish, Seth (kneeling), Tony, Scarecrow, Dennis, Ashes, Cat, Dan
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Belle, Nicole (lying), Karen, Morbid?, ?, Bernard
Photo courtesy of Marsden
Fire dancers: Paula and Julie
Photo courtesy of Marsden
? and Gary
?, ?, ?Beast?
?, ?Beast?, ?, Miche, ?, ?
?, Del, Dan
?, Belle
Stretch, Martuccio, ? (obscured), Mary Anne, ?
Nick and Nick
Gynn, ?, ?Rebecca?, Kirk
LX, Nigel (obscured), Martuccio
Carolyn (obscured), Sandra, Mary Anne (obscured), Glenn
Jason and Claire
Tria, Alan, Lisa (obscured), ?, Schmoo, Pip?, Mary Anne
Paul and ?
Angie and Cat
Darcy the satyr
Ryan, ? (very obscured), Belle, ?, Krispy, Diana, Nicole, Mary Anne
Sakura, Morbid, Nicole
Schmoo, Lisa, Krispy (dark background), James, ?
Brian's beard is half-deconstructed
?, Naomi, Jarrod, Troy (bed), Cat, Dust, James, Fluffi, Alan
Tess and Mary
?, Nick, ?, Leon, Diana (obscured), Andrew, ? (obscured), Dan, Del, James? (foreground), Simeon, Scarecrow? (obscured), Fridge, ? (obscured), Karen (obscured), Hooch, ?
?, Jess
They call him the streak: Dan, Tinks, CJ
Del, Hamish, ? (obscured), Josh? (very obscured)
?, ?, Storm, Kat (obscured), ?Troy? (very obscured)
Glenn and Keenie
Matson and Diana
Hamish, Josh, Harmony, Alex, ?
Trond and Tony
Adam, Claire (obscured), Pixi, ?, Hooch, Jess (foreground), James, Simeon, Hamish, ?, Matt
Hamish and Ricki
Scarecrow and Cody
?, ?, Stacy, Gary
Al, Lord Kitchener and JL
?, Jenny, Paula (obscured)
?, Karl?, Pip
Amy, Lisa (obscured), ? (obscured)
Nicola and Seth
Matt, Claire, Colin
The puppy pile: Sebastian, Gynn, Chris, Keenie (foreground), ?, Darcy, Crystal, Stefan?
Ryan (far background), ?, ?, ?, Michael, ?
Schmoo (obscured), Matthew
? (obscured), Colin? (obscured), Julie
? ?Rebecca?, Gynn, Dust, Stefan, Crystal, Rebecca (foreground), ?, Lubie, Sebastian, Stretch, Glenn
Garth, Tinks
Chris, Diana, ? (obscured), Charlotte, ? (foreground), Glenn, Keenie?, Belle
Photo courtesy of Alan
?, ?, ? (obscured), Hamish, Andre?, Adam? (obscured), ?, Karl?
Gynn, Kat
?, Ivan

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Copyright © 2002, Phil Anderson, Robert Urqhart, Alan?. Hosting kindly provided by SPIS Ltd.